Saturday 12 August 2017

Saudi Arabian Singer Arrested For Dabbing At Live Concert

An actor, TV personality & singer, Abdallah Al Shahani has been arrested by the authorities for dabbing during a concert, Okaz News reports.
Abdallah took part in a music concert in the City of Ta’iff where he pulled off the dab.
In the now viral video, Abdallah puts down his microphone in order to encourage the audience to clap along.
He then rolls his arms and performs the ‘dab’, while the audience cheers him on. A lot of artists, celebrities, and even athletes in countries around the world dab while expressing themselves.

Dabbing is a simple dance move or playful gesture, in which a person drops their head into the bent crook of a slanted arm while raising the opposite arm in a parallel direction but out straight;

However, Dabbing is banned in Saudi Arabia where authorities consider it a reference to drug culture. A video of Mr Al Shahani’s dab became popular on social media and thousands have tweeted about the incident.

Abdallah Al Shaharani shared an apology for his behavior prior to his arrest on twitter.

The tweet read:
I am most apologetic to our honorable government and my dear president for the spontaneous movement I made in the Ta’if Festival. Accept my apology.

His arrest has caused a controversy on social media as thousands of Saudi users debated whether he should face punishment or not.

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